Most of you would maintain independence by remaining in your own homes as you age. It might not be easy to find the resources you need to keep living a fulfilling life after you age. The government offers Home Attention Packages that include individualized services and care to help you fulfill your requirements and remain securely and independently in your home.
Home care might be challenging to understand; what does it offer and how to avail it? The most critical aspects of an aged care package are compiled in this article to inform you better.
What is an aged care package?
Many seniors in Australia can maintain their independence and quality of life with the help of home care packages. Your ability to remain in your home while receiving the care you need to maintain your health and independence is supported by consumer-directed financing for home care. The numerous choices and tiers of care give you the freedom to choose the mix that works best for you at home.
Who qualifies for home care packages, and how can they get one?
You may schedule an evaluation with a healthcare professional using the My Aged Care portal to determine whether you are eligible for a home care package. If your nurse has recommended a house care package, a member of the aged care assessment team (ACAT) will visit your home to establish the precise amount of care you’ll need. Depending on how much assistance you need to maintain your independence, the ACAT team will recommend one of four distinct levels of care.
Those in need of assistance that is more involved or long-term than what is provided by the Commonwealth Home Support Programme may qualify for an Aged Care package. Home care is a good option if you often need assistance beyond what can be provided by a caregiver in the comfort of their own home.
How Do Home Care Packages Work?
There are four tiers of home care packages available. You will be granted a level of assistance based on how much help you need to maintain your independence. The government will pay a specific sum to the provider(s) of your choice, determined by the service level you choose from the Home Care Package.
Depending on your financial situation, you may also be asked to make a personal contribution toward the price of your home care package. If your income is sufficiently high, you may also be required to pay the cost of means-tested care. Various companies have different rates for the same services, and you’re free to spend your package money as you choose. If you compare prices and services from multiple companies, you might receive more for the same amount of home care funding.
What Exactly Does a Home Care Package Consist of?
The services included in each tier of the Home Care Package are customisable to meet the recipient’s individual need for assistance at home.
Safety in Health and Nursing
Home Care Packages often comprise nursing services provided by a trained professional who makes frequent house calls. A nurse may assist with managing drugs, skin and wound care and long-term care for conditions such as diabetes or macular degeneration. For example, the services of a podiatrist or an occupational therapist may also be made available to you. Or, you might struggle and require assistance because of issues like memory loss or dementia. Your home care package includes all of these medical treatments.
Upkeep of the House
Your resources may also be used to improve your home’s surroundings for peace of mind and protection. Your Home Care Package may be used to pay for mundane but necessary tasks like cleaning and gardening. The subsidy may also be used for house alterations that improve safety and accessibility (such as adding ramps if you need a wheelchair). Shower chairs and other aids for the disabled are available for purchase.