People tend to opt for various kinds of divorce methods available. Numerous factors are taken into account while considering the approach. The level of disputes, relationships, communication, and trust determines whether a certain divorce method is appropriate for couples. Collaborative divorce involves the spouses and their legal representatives. Speak to Karp & Iancu, S.C. to discuss a divorce settlement that helps fulfill all the wishes and demands made by both spouses.
Collaborative divorce helps settle the matter without unnecessary disputes so that the marriage can end on amicable terms.
Collaborative Divorce -An Overview
Collaborative divorce is like an uncontested method of ending the marriage without court intervention. Both spouses sit together to discuss their issues and requirements and devise a settlement agreement to resolve all the persistent issues. The method can be useful for some spouses, but it does not apply to all. If the couple has differences that cannot be set aside for discussing the terms of the divorce agreement, there is no point in going through this method. Collaborative divorce lawyers help in the negotiation process by devising an agreement that fulfills the wishes of both spouses.
Divorces often end up in negotiations regardless of the approach used in it. However, the method of collaborative divorce does not involve an adversarial concept. On the contrary, this can be found in the case settled by courts. The essence of a collaborative divorce is that both spouses are not adversity to each other. It is generally preferred by couples with kids or businesses requiring co-parenting and management even after divorce. They must maintain a certain level of relationship so that no hindrance is caused towards other aspects of life.
Collaborative agreement
Spouses who use the collaborative divorce method to end their marriage sign an agreement in the presence of divorce lawyers to ensure that both parties Will not threaten or attempt to take the help of an adversarial court to win the collaborative procedure going on. It also includes that both spouses are this allowed to engage in litigation when the collaboration is going on.
However, if the collaborative method of divorce feels and the couple does not agree, they dissolve it and start radiation trusses. The lawyers representing them in the collaboration method are also fired, and new lawyers are hired to handle their cases in court.
Speak to an attorney today!
An attorney can assist you in understanding whether a collaborative divorce would be ideal for your case. So, ensure to speak to an attorney today!