Shopping for bras could be difficult enough especially when you don’t know your size or you are not aware you are wearing the wrong size. Shopping for bras after pregnancy might seem practically impossible since your breasts became significantly larger after (even if you wish for it to all your lucky stars, your breasts would go back to their normal size).
There are numerous factors to consider when you go shopping for a new bra after pregnancy since it might seem wasteful after your breasts shrink back to their normal size or you could not properly guess what size you will be once you deliver and start breastfeeding. Still, it is recommended that you buy a new bra that you would use after pregnancy.
Every woman’s body is different
You might have mom friends who told you that they go up one cup size up when they start nursing. This could be the advice they give you when you go looking for nursing bras. Others may go up to two cups sizes (lucky them) while others may just go up only a half cup size or the difference in size might not be that significant at all for them to buy new bras unless they prefer bras with cups that fold down to expose the nipples for easier access.
If this is your first pregnancy, it’s difficult to predict your future bra size since you don’t have any previous experience that you could base how much your breast might grow. The best rule of thumb is to get a maternity bra as close to your due date as possible to get a good idea of what size you’ll need.

Do not buy a lot
Your breast size might still change the first few weeks when you start nursing so don’t buy a lot and besides you are not sure when you could breastfeed since there are women who are not able to produce as much milk as they want. You could buy about 3-4 washable bras you could wash and wear to get through the beginning of your nursing.
By the end of the first few months, you would be able to tell if the size of your breast will still change or if you feel like you would be able to breastfeed for a long time, then that’s the time you could invest on a lot of maternity bras. Be sure though to buy highly elastic ones to fit your ever-changing breast size.
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Buy for comfort
The most important factor to consider when buying a maternity bra is your comfort. Sure, you would feel better when you know you are wearing cute underwear but comfort is one of the reasons why women wear maternity bras.
A maternity bra will support your expanding breasts while also preventing back strain and reducing stretch marks. It’s especially crucial to wear a bra that fits during pregnancy and nursing because your breasts are at their heaviest.
When you go buy maternity bras, don’t feel embarrassed to ask for help because it’s critical you wear the correct size to not interfere with milk production.