As the industry has evolved, so have all aspects of it. The way cigars are packaged changed dramatically over the past two decades. Today’s cigar smokers expect a high-quality products every time they purchase their favorite cigars. However, one thing should remain constant to retain these customers: great packaging.
Great packaging is more than just another box or wrapper you can put around your cigar, but something that exudes class and enhances the experience of smoking any premium cigar. takes care of each aspect of packaging and produces the best packages for tobacco products. They take care of each part because it plays an important role in creating an unforgettable customer experience, from boxes to bands to cellophane. Here are seven tips for getting the best possible packaging for your tobacco products:
1) Boxes & Tubes
Perhaps one of the most important parts of a cigar’s packaging is the box it comes in. A good, sturdy box can make or break a cigar. Not only does it protect your cigars during transportation, but customers expect the highest quality products when purchasing their cigars, and they deserve nothing less than your best.
If possible, opt for a box with four walls rather than two. Cigars are fragile creatures that require all kinds of protection when making their way to stores or end consumers worldwide. If you’re having difficulty deciding which type of box would be best for your product, choose one that provides ample room for your cigars while still looking aesthetically pleasing. It may also be helpful to consider how many individual units per master case sounds appealing to you and your business.
2) Properly Portion Your Cigars
While tipping off other manufacturers to the exact amount of tobacco that should be contained in each cigar might not sound like a bright idea, you’ll likely gain more trust from consumers if they know how much to expect. When dealing with large quantities of products, it’s important to ensure each cigar has equal amounts of filler and wrapper. This will help maintain the uniformity your customers expect while also increasing quality control. You don’t want any complaints about under-filled or over-filled stogies, so give serious consideration as to how many leaves are necessary for each unit you produce.
3) Pack Them Securely
You want your products arriving at their destination safely and securely – no question there. However, this does not mean you should be careless with packaging. If the postman knows the package won’t budge, he’s less likely to drop it or mishandle it. You should also take care not to over-pack your cigars, as excess tape may cause damage when being opened.
4) Don’t Skimp on Materials
Speaking of packing, one easy way to save money is by buying lower quality or cheaper supplies than what you need. Tobacco products are delicate and require special attention. This includes using only the highest quality materials for box construction and adding other accessories needed during packaging (such as playing cards). One item – no matter how small – can make a huge difference in how customers will feel about their purchase once they receive it. This also means doing what you can to protect the box from damage.
5) Use A Variety of Accessories When Packaging
In addition to custom boxes, tobacco companies have several other options at their disposal to provide customers with packaging supplies that add value and excitement. Here are just a few examples:
Manufacturers might include cards for playing games with your purchase. This strategy means you give your customers something they can use right away. It also means that you are creating a moment of play for these cigars. If you play cards, make sure they are high-quality. Low-budget materials will be a deterrent.
Manufacturers might provide customers with tech products that help enhance the smoking experience. For example, you could give free lighters or cutters to people when they buy a certain number of cigars. It is called a deal. This is a good idea for expensive brands to start with. It will make them more affordable and help boost overall sales.
6) Discounts for Loyal Customers
An ongoing deal that works very well is when a customer gets a certain percentage off their next order after buying a set number of products from your company. This will work best if you continue selling these existing cigars to keep making revenue. Just make sure not to offer so many discounts that it appears like your customers are getting ripped off because this could cause them to go elsewhere in search of more enticing deals.
Offer free shipping for all transactions over $75, $100, or even $125. Like the idea of giving away lighters or cutters? Try offering an additional 10% – 20% discount on the final price whenever customers buy at least X cigars and then throw in the free standard shipping. If you want to up the ante, include complimentary expedited shipping.
7) Differentiate Your Tobacco Product Packaging
Your packaging needs to stand out from the crowd. Be different, be creative, and think of ways to help your customers feel more comfortable trying something new. You can also use printed kraft boxes for this purpose. Doing this will also allow potential buyers to see that they’ll still maintain their high-quality standards no matter how your products are packaged.
Offer custom printed boxes for an additional fee. This adds a personalized touch to the cigar you sell, which makes it easier for your customers to find time in their busy schedules to order more cigars down the road or refer them to friends so they can have the chance to enjoy quality tobacco.
Concluding Remarks:
Don’t be afraid to go out of the box. The more unique and creative your packaging is. The easier it will be for you to stand out from all the other brands creating a name for themselves in recent years. You don’t want customers to stick with something simply. Because they’ve become accustomed to using it or because it seems like everyone else uses it.
To have a successful business, you need your customers to constantly return. So they can enjoy your products time after time. This is why getting customer feedback should always come before finalizing any design decisions.
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