Furnaces require regularly scheduled maintenance to keep them functional and in a good health for a long time period. By changing the furnace filters their durability can be enhanced by manifolds. An unkempt and dirty furnace filter will interrupt the ideal cooling and heating of your home.
How Often to Change Furnace Filters?
One of the most asked questions about furnace filters is: “ how often to change furnace filters”. The answer to this is as follows:
- If your filter is 1-2 inches in size, then replacing them one in three months should be enough. If you live in a dirt-prone area then replacing them once in two months can be a good choice.
- In case the filter is a bit large that is almost 3-4 inches, it is good to replace them at least once every 6 months
- For large filters of size 5-6 inches, the annual change of filters can suffice, if it is possible it is better to change them once every 9 months.
Factors Determining the Need for Filter Change
How will you decide the right time for changing furnace filters? Well, the answer is that there are a couple of factors that will determine when to change the furnace filters.
The size of the filters and their efficiency are the two main factors that will determine when to change the filters. Other than that home occupancy is also a crucial factor to determine the time to change the furnace filters. For homes with a large number of residing members, the filters have to be changed more often to ensure a clean uninterrupted supply of air. On the other hand, for homes with small families, you can change filters at more spaced intervals.
Indoor air quality is also a crucial factor to consider for changing furnace filters. If the indoor air quality is good enough then changing filters should not be a headache for you. For example, if there is no equipment operating in your house, the indoor air quality is supposed to remain better and cleaner, and changing filters can be delayed to some extent in that case. But if you live near the roads with pollution and the filter is your only shield against airborne diseases, then changing the filters regularly becomes all the more important.
Also if any of the members of the family are allergy-prone, then changing the filters becomes even more necessary. Having clean furnace filters diminishes the chances of having allergy attacks and saves the affected ones. Clean and new filters ensure a fresh and clean indoor air supply keeping the allergy-prone people away from asthma and other breathing difficulties.
If the heating and cooling functions of your home are too heavily operated in your house, then the air filters need frequent replacement. Also, the filter changing frequency will be more during the winter and summer than it is during spring and fall. Also, not changing the furnace flyers can lead to their clogging.
Problems of Not Changing the Furnace Filter
Having a dirty furnace filter can invite plenty of disastrous problems like HVAC system disasters, poor air quality within the room, and uncomfortable environment and cause allergy and respiratory problem symptoms. Changing the filter at regular intervals also keeps the system updated and your health happy.
It is better to opt for professional; services when it comes to filtering maintenance and filter change. You can get the best service without stressing it out too much. Benefit your home, indoor air quality, and health through regular professional furnace filter cleaning and change. So, don’t forget to change your filters within time.