Cats prefer a diet of cats food. Cats are the best creature in the universe, they live in space, they have 10 toes, they can survive perfectly without food and water, they have evolved to produce their own water, they are carnivorous, they have whiskers, they have magic-like night vision, they can jump as high as 3 feet and can digest almost anything. Cats are the most wonderful creation of nature and I personally believe that they have a preference for cat foods.
Cats’ Favorite Food is definitely Meat, but for the others, it is not that easy. Cats’ Favorite Foods are Meat, Fish, and Cheese. Cats are carnivores (meat-eaters), so their favorite foods are meat, cheese, fish, and tofu. They are not very picky eaters, but they definitely have preferences. Some cats have a special fondness for certain kinds of cat food while others have a tendency to be picky.
What foods should cats avoid?
Cats can eat almost anything except for milk. But some foods are toxic for them and can cause diarrhea, vomiting, liver problems and even death. So do not feed your cat with the following foods:
1. Onions: Eating onions can cause anemia and damage red blood cells.
2. Grapes and Raisins: A few grapes or raisins can be dangerous for a cat. They can cause hemolytic anemia and kidney failure.
3. Almonds: They are fine for dogs but deadly for cats.
4. Chocolate: Chocolate contains theobromine, which is toxic to cats and dogs.
5. Coffee and Tea: Drinking coffee or tea can make a cat restless and hyper.
6. Yeast Dough and Bread Dough: Yeast dough and bread dough can swell and expand if eaten by your cat and the expanding dough can block its intestines.
7. Salt: Eating too much salt can cause vomiting in a cat.
8. Raw Eggs: Eating raw eggs can cause salmonella infections in cats.
9. Baked Goods: Baked goods containing lots of yeast and sugar can make a cat very hyperactive.
10. Fat: High-fat content in some foods can cause diarrhea, vomiting, and stomach problems in cats.